Thursday, September 13, 2007

First thing's first

My first blog...let's hope this thing gets kept up with.

I've been back in the States for 41 days. For some reason, that's insane to me. 41 days ago, I KNEW that my life was never going to be the same, and that I wasn't going to fall back into any old routines from before June 3rd. I was sure. It took about 2 days for me to start, and now, 41 days later, my life feels strangely like it did on June 2nd, without the excitement of an impending trip to Kenya. Not that my life wasn't pretty damn good before that. I was and still am blessed to have a wonderful family and girlfriend who mean absolutely everything to me. School is OK, everything else is OK. My relationship with Christ is OK... I believe a little more than I ever have, and I understand a little more than I ever have. But even writing that last sentence, I have a hard time describing in words my relationship with Him. That scares me a lot.

I have it really good, when I really think about it. Jennifer is INCREDIBLE to me, no matter whether I deserve it or not. My friends amaze me every day with their encouragement, cheerfulness, humor, and Godliness. I go to a great school and have opportunities every day that most people in the world will never have in a lifetime. I get to do what I love (sing) with people I respect and love, no matter how frustrating it is at times.

But I'm just really confused about the place I'm in right now. But, I know that all of the indecision and confusion comes down to me lacking the one and only Thing I need need. I think the main thing I'm missing is commitment. Commitment to the Word, to journaling, to learning, to praying, to just spending time with the One who deserves all my time. I am praying for guidance, direction, and strength to be committed. Your prayers are also appreciated.

I am blessed
I am blessed
I am blessed to be a witness


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm classically stalking my kenyan friends so of course I'm going to be reading your blog.
Chandler, it is so encouraging to read this. I appreciate the honesty and realness in your words. It has been a weird transition back to the states...mostly in the fact that it is..not weird. am i making sense? The transition wasn't "difficult" in the ways I thought it would be. However, from the words you have written and in my own experience, I think the great thing is that both of us are still uncomfortable. In our lives, our faith, and/or the way things are. That in itself, shows that we are still growing. I think Kenya planted a seed in our hearts that is continually going to grow and challenge us. Perhaps things that we were once ignorant to have now been exposed, and we can now seek change. Continue to pray and see where God wants to lead you. I miss you all and I know that God has great plans for those who love him.
Your sister in Christ,