Friday, September 12, 2008

famous toddlers.

as stated before on the blog, i am a proud uncle to two wonderful little ones, hope (age 4) and shepherd (3 in november). there's also another little boy on the way in november, so the fun will just continue to increase! they are the cutest kids i know, and have much personality between the two of them. i've always thought they would make great tv kids. well, ladies and gents, that time has come. i present to you, hope and shepherd skellie (with a cameo by my awesome sister-in-law connie) on abc 33/40 this morning, in what appears to be a new segment by brandon triola (my brother's cousin)., i'm proud to be their uncle:


Dan said...

what about a taco?

Unknown said...

incredibly cute kin. wow. the best part? the toddler southerners.