from top right: lee, sara, ryan kurz, becca, susannah, ryan farrell, ben, christi, anne, karli, (going down now) chelsea, me, karen, rachael, katy, elizabeth, brooke
these are the 17 people on the face of this earth that i feel closest too. that's a weird and bold statement, because i don't ever see any of these people (besides lee, my trusty roommate). let me tell you, though, i've never been surrounded with the type of encouragement and support as i am by some of these people. i've also never been more thankful for any group of people. these people are a glaring example of the Lord's love. these people are my family.
almost half of the team is on some other type of trip this summer, or doing something incredibly awesome. it makes me feel like a worthless little nothing, especially because i know that i don't belong here. ben, ryan, christi, and sara are in india working in leper colonies and in the streets of calcutta. anne is in mozambique. amy just returned from leading a trip to the amazon jungle in peru. rachael made a return trip to kenya on a medical trip with nursing school. brooke is interning with compassion international in colorado. katy and becca have both spent time as long-term missionaries since we returned from our trip. chelsea has spent time in africa this year, and is now doing work with YWAM and others in germany, romania, and moldova. wow.
how encouraging to know so many people heeding the call of our Savior!
recently, team india posted a really impressive video to their blog documenting parts of their trip so far. on my initial viewing, i had a huge, constant grin on my face, and was put in a good mood for the rest of the day. seeing these people and having all of those memories flowing back into my head of the time i had spent with them was incredible. two nights ago, during a long overdue conversation with rachael, the video was brought up again, and i got giddy! like, seriously giddy. in a way that i never get. then, probably an hour after that, i was talking to another friend about the same subject, and i had tears coming down my face (she doesn't know i was crying.....shhh). this was a year of built-up emotion coming to a head. i'm so thankful for it. God has been so good to me.
today is july 18. one year ago, i was in eburru, kenya. looking back into my journal from last summer, i see that on this date last year i spent time helping our cook, zelipha (who i had a crush on, mind you) and anne cook lunch, and spent some time at the eburru secondary school doing a small group with the kids there. i think i recall that as being a good day. i miss it, more than i've ever missed anything.
my kenya journal is a really cool thing. it's really tough to read at this point in my life, for a few reasons. and it's missing a week of info. but, i'll have to live with that decision. oh well. no regrets.
thanks for reading. comments are welcome. i LOVE reading them. seriously. comment. a lot. thanks.
i love you
i continue to be inspired by you every day. i cant wait for my incredible experience one day. i know it will come, and you assure me everyday that it will. youre the best. love you and miss you!
tears are welled up in my eyes making it very hard to see what i'm typing at the moment.
YES. yes to all of this. i echo your heart right now.
i've never had an experience that poured so deeply into me. so much that it is spilling out of me and now everyone i meet i know will see the kenya in me somehow. it's a part of me. i'm not the same. i won't ever be the same, which is fine because i'm not looking to go back to the person i was before i went, before i experienced that country, its people, and of course my team. you are my greatest friends. as i told you before, my soulmates.
thanks for blessing me with this today. love you much.
p.s. read Habakkuk 1:5 and get rocked. God is working (in ways we wouldn't believe even if He told us...YES LORD.
I think I started to feel some of that emotion you were talking about while reading this. I'm so glad to be able to have said that I shared such a transformational experience with you, not to boast, but to let people know I've done it with YOU. I love you man. Can't wait to see you again.
"We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on You."
-2 Chronicles 20:12
be blessed
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