Sunday, July 20, 2008

weekend thoughts.

-i pretended to get started on LOST season 2 last night. finished season 1 over spring break. i only paid attention to one episode though, so i have a lot of work to do. however, the time spent conversing/relating with a new friend was well worth my attention. and the yuenglings were nice as well.

-justin timberlake's musical number on the ESPYs was pretty damn funny. look it up on the youtubes.

-i found out today that one of my kenyan friends, francis, is coming to america for a few months, and will be fairly close by, in north carolina. that's going to be really awesome.

-i'm only blogging because dan is making me. dan is a pretty cool guy. he's single, good-looking, has a kick-ass dog, teaches middle school choir, has his foot in a cast, loves mountain dew, supports barack obama, and is letting me live in his house this year. check out his blog on the right.

1 comment:

Whitney Dugger said...

hahahhaha.. love the last paragraph